Monday, July 31, 2017

The Wild Chickens of Cayman

While enjoying the lush grounds of Silver Sands you might notice a flock of feathered friends roaming about. The chickens of Grand Cayman are wild, harmless and add that much more character to our little island. You can find them literally everywhere, from the parking lots of banks and supermarkets, to public beaches and the bush and even (disturbingly) hanging outside of KFC... if they only knew!

Some people will eat them as they are a good organic option! However it is said that their meat can be quite tough and needs to be slow cooked.

Two of the downsides to having these guys roaming free is that they don't mind what hour of the day it is, they like to make noise! 3am.... cock-a-doodle-doo!! Also they tend to hand by the sides of the road and bolt to the other side often times making them roadkill. Poor guys.

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