The summer season in the Cayman Islands means turtle nesting! The Cayman Islands has three different species of turtles that come to the beaches around the island to lay their eggs, the green turtle, the loggerhead and the hawksbill. Each has its own unique tracks which help the Cayman Islands Department of Environment's turtle experts identify and monitor the nests.
The female turtles will come to shore and lay between 4-6 nests per season, each nest containing between 100-150 eggs. The nest takes 50-60 days to incubate before the little turtles hatch and make the mad dash to the sea. This seems like a lot of baby turtles but only 1 in 1,000 of these little hatchlings will make it to adult hood. The interesting thing about the location where the female turtle lays is that it is the very beach she hatched from 25-30 years ago! Silver Sands is always a popular spot for the nesting turtles.
The Department of Environment keeps a close eye on when and where the turtles nest for a few reasons. Firstly there are still poachers out there looking to make a quick buck and are poaching these poor mama turtles and taking the eggs, double wammy for these gentile giants. Secondly, if a turtle is spotted nesting by the many turtle volunteers on the island, the DoE will come and sample the turtle, make sure she laid the eggs and gets back in the water safely. If there are turtle tracks spotted on the beach the DoE will come to check the nest and measure it, and put a tag on it to identify the type of species, as well keep tabs on when the little ones are expected to hatch. The main objective is to get as many female turtles to safely nest, and as many hatchlings possible to make it to the sea. Residents and visitors of Silver Sands can be a watchful eye for both the nesting females and the hatchlings and can report any nests to the DoE's Turtle Hotline at 938-6378. There are also various other volunteer jobs that can help with the turtles, if you are interested please contact:
Lucy is one of the main DoE workers involved in the monitoring of the turtles and she works night and day to make sure the turtles of Grand Cayman get every fighting chance to reproduce and survive to nest another season. Check out the DoE monitoring blog for updates!
Stand up paddle boarding (SUP) has risen in popularity in the last few years and it's not hard to see why. It is a great way to get out on the water, be active, exercise and be social. With calm clear Cayman waters it is a great activity to participate in while visiting the island. Rent a Paddle Board
While staying at Silver Sands sitting on the beach watching the water is enticing. If you would like to get in the deep end you can rent paddle boards from Waterman's (769-7873), they do daily and weekly rentals. It is a great way to spend time with the family and can be an unplanned and leisurely activity with the boards right there at your fingertips.
Kiristin is the queen bee of paddle boarding on the island with the PaddleFit Level 3 certification. The program she follows is designed to teach and practice -Paddle technique -High intensity training -Land based classes -Personalized program -Fun -Friendly environment She does Paddlefit classes on a regular basis throughout the week as well as a beginner class and private classes. Check out her WEBSITE and her FACEBOOK to get more info.
Yoga is a great way to unwind and get fit, and what a better way to do so on the water! Bliss is one of the yoga studios on the island that offer these unique surf/yoga classes. The classes are known for giving the body a core workout because of the added challenge of maintaining balance while performing the yoga poses. Check out Bliss Paddle Board Yoga class schedules here, or call Bliss at 949-9642.