Pirates Week in the Cayman Islands is held every November and is great fun not only for children but for adults and anyone who enjoys dressing up as a pirate and dancing around Georgetown. It is also an excellent opportunity to celebrate Cayman's long standing island heritage.
The cardboard boat races are a funny activity that happens on the final Saturday of the festival. Each team must build a boat from cardboard and whoever makes it around the target and back to the beach first wins... providing they don't sink!! This year it was the Mepco Viking boat as the winners, and yes there was a sinker but they nearly made it back to the beach so props given to everyone who made a boat!

Flomotion, the acrobatic group performed to the entertainment of all, they even used the Jolly as a giant prop and spring board!
This was the first year they did an Illumination Night Parade and it was lovely and lively! Then the evening was topped off with fireworks as a grand finale to mark the closing of this festive and fun week. (See videos below)
For more photos of Cayman Pirates week check out our post from last year: Pirates in the Caribbean: Cayman Style

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