Friday, May 31, 2013

Turtle season is here!

Its that time of year, large mature turtles (mostly greens and loggerheads) can now be seen mating in the waters off of Silver Sands. Once the female has been fertilized, she will lay her eggs on the beach. This laying process is much easier said than done. The turtle must drag her huge body up the beach finding the perfect spot, then dig a giant hole in the sand and lay her eggs. Once all the eggs are laid, she will cover it up and drag herself back to sea. Sometimes she will climb up the beach and not find that perfect spot and will make several passes on several nights before finding her nesting spot. This time of year turtle tracks are a fairly common sight on the Silver Sands beach so keep your eye out! The incubation period usually takes about 60 days until the baby turtles hatch. So through out the summer there is always lots of excitement at Silver Sands surrounding these gorgeous creatures nesting and hatching.

If you would like more info about Cayman's nesting turtles please check out the DOE website:

If you see a turtle nest please always report it to the DOE. Call 938-NEST
If you see anyone poaching the nesting turtles call 911 immediately!

If you would like more general info on turtle nesting check out the Sea Turtle Conservancy

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